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What Can I Use for Toenail Fungus? An In-Depth Guide on Best Remedy for Toenail Fungus

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Toenail fungus, also known as onychomycosis, is a common condition that affects millions of people worldwide.

It occurs when fungi, such as dermatophytes, invade the nail bed and begin feeding on keratin, the protein that makes up your toenails. 

Left untreated, toenail fungus can cause the nail to become discolored, thickened, crumbly, and distorted.

It may separate from the nail bed and can spread to other toenails. While not inherently dangerous, toenail fungus can be unsightly, painful, and difficult to treat.

This comprehensive guide helps answer the question What Can I Use for Toenail Fungus? we’ll cover everything you need to know about effectively treating toenail fungus at home. You’ll learn about:

– The causes, symptoms, and risk factors
– Over-the-counter and prescription medical treatments 
– Natural home remedies and prevention strategies
– When to seek medical treatment

Let’s start by getting a better understanding of what exactly toenail fungus is.

Learn about: The Top 5 Best Supplements for Toenail Fungus

How To Cure Nail Fungus in 7 Days

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 Understanding Toenail Fungus


Toenail fungus is caused by microscopic organisms called dermatophytes. The most common fungi that invade the nails are:

– Trichophyton rubrum
– Trichophyton mentagrophytes 
– Epidermophyton floccosum

These fungi thrive in warm, moist environments like showers, swimming pools, and sweaty shoes. They enter through tiny cuts or cracks in your nail and once inside, are extremely difficult to fully eradicate. 

Additional causes and risk factors for toenail fungus include:

– A weakened immune system
– Diabetes
– Poor circulation
– Injuries to the nail
– Using public showers, pools, gyms


Some of the most common symptoms of a fungal toenail infection include:

– Thickened, brittle, or ragged nail
– Deformed nail shape
– Dull, opaque coloring vs. healthy pink nail bed
– Crumbly debris under the nail  
– White or yellow streaks on the surface of the nail
– Foul odor coming from the nail

As the infection worsens, the toenail can separate from the nail bed and may fall off completely. You may also experience pain when wearing shoes or even when standing or walking.

Risk Factors

You are more likely to get toenail fungus if:

– You are over age 60
– You sweat heavily
– You have a minor skin or nail injury 
– You have a comprised immune system
– You have diabetes or peripheral vascular disease
– You wear tight-fitting shoes and socks
– You participate in sports like running or soccer
– You walk barefoot in damp public areas

 Toenail Fungus Treatments – Medical

If home remedies are not effective, your doctor may prescribe a stronger topical or oral medication.

 Topical Medications

– Ciclopirox – A topical solution that helps inhibit fungal growth
– Efinaconazole – Applied directly to the nail like nail polish

 Oral Antifungal Drugs

– Terbinafine – Works to eradicate fungus at the root
– Itraconazole – Slows fungal growth and reproduction
– Fluconazole – An oral tablet that stops the fungus from spreading 

 Surgical Procedures

– Partial nail removal – Removing part of the infected nail
– Complete nail removal – Removing the entire nail to reach the root of the fungus

These treatments require seeing a podiatrist or dermatologist. Insurance may cover costs depending on the severity of the infection.

 What is toenail fungus?

Toenail fungus refers to a fungal infection of the toenail. It is also known as onychomycosis. It is caused by dermatophyte fungi that feed on keratin. If left untreated, the infection can spread and result in thick, brittle, and distorted-looking nails.

 What is tinea unguium?

Tinea unguium is the medical term used to describe a fungal infection of the nail, or onychomycosis. It is caused by the same dermatophyte fungi, such as Trichophyton rubrum, that cause toenail fungus.

 Who does toenail fungus affect?

Toenail fungus can affect anyone, but it is more common in:

– Adults over age 60
– Those with diabetes, poor circulation, or a weakened immune system
– Athletes and runners
– Men more than women
– Swimmers or those who use public showers/pools

 How common is toenail fungus?

Toenail fungus is very common. Some statistics on prevalence include:

– Over 10% of adults in the U.S. have some form of toenail fungus
– Upwards of 50% of people over 70 years old may have toenail fungus
– Men are 2-3 times more likely to get fungal infections than women
– People with diabetes have a higher risk of developing fungal nails

 How to Clear Up Fungal Toenails Fast

While toenail fungus can be stubborn, there are some effective treatments that can help clear it up more quickly.

 Non-prescription options:

– Tea tree oil – Apply 100% pure oil directly to nails 2x daily
– OTC antifungal cream – Look for clotrimazole, miconazole, tolnaftate
– Apple cider vinegar – helps create acidic environment; mix 1:1 with water 
– Hydrogen peroxide for toenail – Helps kill fungus; mix with equal parts water, apply daily

Prescription Polish and Creams:  

– Ciclopirox – Applied like nail polish, helps stop fungal growth
– Efinaconazole – Also applied to nails like polish, kills infection
– Amorolfine – Applied directly to nails, works to treat fungal infection

 Prescription Drugs:

– Oral terbinafine – Taken for 6-12 weeks, works systemically
– Itraconazole – Taken for 1 week per month, stops spread
– Fluconazole – An oral tablet that stops fungus reproduction

 Laser Treatment:

– Use focused beams to target fungus under nails
– Multiple sessions are often needed but higher success rates
– Pair with oral meds for better results

5 Best Nail Fungus Supplements Treatment For Toenail Fungus

While supplements should be combined with other treatments, some can help kill nail fungus more quickly when used consistently. Here are 5 of the best nail fungus supplements that really Work:

1. Clear Nails Max

A combination of all-natural anti-fungal ingredients like undecylenic acid, grapefruit seed extract, and vegetable glycerin. Kills toenail fungus and prevents recurrence. 

Clear Nails Max addresses the real root cause of your toenail fungus in an extremely safe and natural way and nourishes your nails and skin so you can stay protected against infectious-related diseases.

The supplement combats hair, skin, and nail fungus. It will help defend against everyday toxins that exist in the air and soil.

 2. Keratone

Contains chlorine dioxide, keratin, and zinc which work together to penetrate, kill, and prevent the spread of toenail fungus quickly.

The only 100% natural, non-GMO antibacterial and antifungal properties solution that fights the root cause of toenail fungus, athlete’s foot, and any other diseases caused by fungi overgrowth.

Natural formula that effectively combats fungus while also promoting overall nail health.

3. Urgent Fungus Destroyer

Urgent Fungus Destroyer is a natural supplement made of powerful ingredients that will work to target key fungal build-up sites in the body.

Uses a blend of plant-based antifungals to boost the immune system’s ability to fight off fungal infections on its own. All-natural ingredients.

4. Bear Feet

Features turmeric, olive leaf extract, oregano, and other essential oils known for their anti-fungal properties. Specifically made for fungal nails and it kills any type of fungus.

A natural formula that helps eradicate nail fungus from the inside out. A powerful blend of oil and skin-boosting vitamins that helps maintain strong and healthy nails and skin.

5. Clavusin

This liquid spray combines chlorine dioxide, tea tree oil, and other plant-based ingredients clinically shown to penetrate the nail bed and eradicate fungal buildup underneath nails.

A powerful oil that will support the health of your nails and skin in a new and revolutionary way.

How To Cure Nail Fungus in 7 Days

How Do I Get Rid of Toenail Fungus? 

Toenail fungus can be an unsightly and uncomfortable problem. There are several methods to get rid of toenail fungus, but it can take time and patience.

One option that get rid of fungal nail infections is to use over-the-counter antifungal creams or ointments. These can be applied directly to the affected nails and surrounding skin. 

Another option is to use prescription medications, which are stronger and may be more effective. These medications may be taken orally or applied topically.

In severe cases, the toenail may need to be removed surgically. It is important to practice good foot hygiene, such as keeping the nails clean and dry, wearing breathable shoes, and changing socks regularly, to prevent the recurrence of toenail fungus. 

Getting rid of toenail fungus takes consistency and patience. Here are a few key tips:

Which Antifungals Work Best?

The most proven OTC and prescription medications include:

– Ciclopirox
– Terbinafine
– Itraconazole
– Efinaconazole
– Laser therapy

Natural antifungals to try: tea tree oil, oregano oil, thyme oil

How Long to See Results?

On average, it takes 2-3 months to see initial results, with full healthy regrowth taking 6-12 months depending on severity. Consistently apply treatments and take oral meds as directed.

Trim nails short, file down thick parts, and thoroughly dry feet and toes after bathing. Disinfect nail tools between uses. 

BEST Toe Nail Fungus Treatment 2023 [+4 BIG SECRETS]

Home Remedies for Toenail Fungus

Some home remedies that may help treat toenail fungus include:

Vinegar Soaks

– Mix equal parts white vinegar and warm water
– Foot soak for fungus feet for 15 minutes daily 
– Acidity helps kill fungus 

Tea Tree Oil

– Known for antifungal properties  
– Apply 100% pure oil to nails with a cotton swab 2x daily
– It may take several weeks to see the results

Oregano Oil

– Boosts nail bed immunity against fungal growth
– Mix 3-5 drops in tablespoon carrier oil
– Rub on nails daily, may take 2-3 months

Toenail Fungus Prevention Strategies

You can reduce your risk by: 

– Wearing breathable socks and rotating shoes
– Disinfecting pedicure tools and salon equipment  
– Always wearing shower shoes in public areas
– Keeping feet clean and dry
– Disinfecting home pedicure tools after each use
– Applying antifungal powder or spray to feet 

 Avoiding Repeat Infections

To avoid another toenail fungus infection:

– Throw out old shoes, socks, pumice stones etc.  
– Get manicures/pedicures from reputable salons only
– Wash and fully dry feet daily, especially between toes
– Apply antifungal spray or powder preventatively 
– Keep nails trimmed short to inspect for early signs 

When to Seek Medical Help

If OTC treatments and home remedies do not improve nail appearance in 2-3 months, see your doctor. They can prescribe stronger oral or topical antifungals to boost treatment effectiveness. Seek immediate help if you have diabetes or compromised immunity.

Taking Care of Your Skin

Along with treating the nail infection, care for your skin to avoid spreading fungus:

– Wash and dry feet thoroughly, especially between toes
– Rotate shoes and socks to allow them to fully dry
– Apply antifungal foot powder in shoes and socks
– Moisturize feet daily to avoid cracking skin
– Disinfect pedicure tools after each use

 Conclusion on What Can I Use For Toenail Fungus

Toenail fungal infection is a very common problem that can be frustrating and embarrassing. While stubborn, there are many effective over-the-counter, prescription, and home remedy options to treat the infection.

Early intervention can help clear nails faster, so inspect feet regularly and treat fungal nails as soon as you notice symptoms.

With a diligent treatment regimen and smart prevention strategies, you can eradicate toenail fungus for good. Just be patient and consistent with applying antifungal treatments daily.

Keep feet clean and dry, and avoid reinfection by taking preventative steps.

 FAQs Frequently Asked Questions

 What are the best treatments for toenail fungus?

The most effective prescription treatments are oral terbinafine and itraconazole pills, as well as topical Efinaconazole solution.

For home treatments, oregano oil, tea tree oil, vinegar soaks, and hydrogen peroxide applied consistently can help cure fungal toenail infections.

 What are some natural remedies for toenail fungus?

Some proven natural remedies include tea tree oil, oregano oil, vinegar soaks, coconut oil, snakeroot extract, thyme oil, clove oil, and vitamin E oil.

Ensure you use 100% pure essential oils and apply them to affected nails diligently.

 Can I wear nail polish if I have toenail fungus?

It’s best to avoid nail polish as it can seal in moisture and worsen the fungal infection. Opt for an oral antifungal pill and topical treatments instead.

Once the infection has fully cleared, nail polish will not cause recurrence.  

How long does it take to get rid of toenail fungus?

On average, it takes 2-3 months to see initial clearing with consistent application of antifungal treatments.

Full regrowth of a healthy nail can take 6-12 months or longer depending on the severity of infection. See your doctor if you don’t see improvement after 3 months.

 What questions should I ask my healthcare provider?

– Is my condition contagious?
– Would you recommend oral or topical antifungal treatment?
– Are there any side effects or restrictions I should know about?
– How long until I see results?
– How can I prevent infection of my other nails?
– Will insurance cover prescription antifungal medications?

 Can toenail fungus spread to other parts of the body?

The nail fungi that cause toenail infections can spread to other nails on your hands and feet. They can also infect your skin if you scratch an area and then touch another part of your body. 

Always thoroughly wash hands after touching infected nails. The fungus typically won’t spread beyond the nails and feet.

 What are the symptoms of toenail fungus?

Symptoms include thickened, brittle, ragged nails, debris under nails, opaque coloring, crumbling edges, white/yellow streaks in nails, nail deformity, and foul nail odor.

As it worsens, the nail can detach from the nail bed.

 Are there any over-the-counter treatments for toenail fungus?

Yes, the most effective toenail fungus treatment OTC options include clotrimazole (Lotrimin), miconazole (Micatin), terbinafine (Lamisil), and tolnaftate (Tinactin). 

Look for creams, sprays, powders, gels, or polishes that specifically say they treat fungal infections.

What Is Nail fungus infection?

Nail fungus infection, or onychomycosis, is a common fungal infection of the fingernails or toenails. It causes thickening, discoloration, and distortion of the nail.

How do I get rid of toenail fungus?

Treatments like topical creams, oral medications, laser therapy, or removal of the nail can get rid of toenail fungus. See a podiatrist for a treatment plan.

How do you get rid of nail fungus?

Nail fungus can be treated with medicated creams, oral antifungal pills, laser therapy, and in severe cases, removal of the nail.

What gets rid of toenail fungus?

Prescription oral medications or laser treatments are the most effective ways to fully get rid of stubborn toenail fungus infections.

Can you Get Rid of Toenail fungus?

Yes, toenail fungus can be cured with prescription antifungal medications, laser therapy, or toenail removal. Home remedies may also help mild cases.

Do I have toenail fungus?

Discolored, thickened, crumbly nails may mean toenail fungus. See a doctor for diagnosis and proper treatment.

What to use for nail fungus?

Over-the-counter antifungal creams, medicated polishes, oral medications, tea tree oil, and laser treatments can treat nail fungus.

Toenail fungus infection?

Toenail fungus is a common fungal infection. It causes thick, yellow, crumbly nails. Oral antifungals or laser treatment can cure it.

How to Rid Toenail fungus?

Use medicated creams, oral medication, laser therapy or nail removal to fully rid toenail fungus. See a podiatrist for treatment.

What to do for nail fungus?

See a doctor for proper diagnosis. Treatment options include OTC antifungal creams, oral medication, laser therapy or nail removal.

How to get rid of nail infection?

Nail fungus infections need prescription oral antifungals or laser therapy for best results. Topical creams may also help.

What helps toenail fungus?

Oral terbinafine or itraconazole work best for toenail fungus. Topical creams with tolnaftate, urea or tea tree oil may also help.

What can I use for toenail fungus?

Try over-the-counter antifungal creams, medicated polishes, tea tree oil, or oral medications to treat toenail fungus. See a doctor if not improve.

How do I get rid of nail fungus?

Prescription oral pills or laser treatments offer the best chance of fully getting rid of stubborn nail fungus. See a dermatologist.

Why do I have toenail fungus?

Toenail fungus often comes from exposure to damp public areas like showers. Diabetes, poor circulation, and getting pedicures also increase risk.

How can I get rid of toenail fungus?

Oral terbinafine, itraconazole, laser therapy, and removal of the nail can get rid of troublesome toenail fungus.

How to get rid of toenail infection?

See a doctor for oral antifungals to properly get rid of the toenail infection. Topical creams may also help.

Christina Lewis
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Christina Lewis
Christina Lewis

Hi!... My name is Christina Lewis, and I'm a Senior Editor Health & Wellness Advice.

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